Learn About SASH
SASH Mission
Coordinate and deliver person-centered, evidence-based care and support to people where they live, helping them improve or maintain their health and quality of life so they can live out their days in the location of their choosing.
SASH Vision
Participants will receive the support and services they need regardless of age, health needs, location, or income in the place they call home.

Flexibility to Choose
Participants are as involved in SASH as they see fit. It's always their choice.
For those with chronic medical conditions, SASH can play an integral role in helping them manage their conditions and stay healthy.
For those who are active and in good health, SASH can be "kept in their back pocket" as a safety net to use if and when needed.
For everyone, SASH offers a wealth of programs, including free wellness workshops, social activities, exercise classes, educational events, outings, and more. SASH is there to help participants when they lose a spouse or loved one, encounter an unexpected health condition, or need an advocate in an unforeseen situation.

Meeting Participants' Needs
SASH coordinates the resources of its partner organizations to provide the support a participant may need. These partners include member affiliates of Vermont Care Partners, nonprofit housing organizations, primary and community health care teams, and local and regional hospitals. Local representatives from these organizations make up the "SASH team" that springs into action when a participant needs extra help.

The Benefits of Participating in SASH
Improved quality of life
Comprehensive health and wellness assessments
Individualized "healthy living plans" tailored to each person's goals
Access to health coaching and wellness nurse support
Access to free prevention and wellness programs, exercise classes, social outings, group activities, and more
Money savings through preventive health care
Help as needed in returning home after hospitalization, navigating long-term care options, and managing a crisis
Support in managing medications

What Participants Say
100% of SASH participants surveyed in 2017 by the Vermont Department of Health reported:
Higher overall functional status.
Learning more about the relationship between nutrition and health.
Less difficulty managing their daily medications.
They would recommend SASH to others.